Thursday, October 12, 2006

school finally begins!

so my first week of school is just about over. it has gone okay. i did not start until this week because all my students are freshmen. in china, freshmen have military training for their first month of school. nevertheless, my teaching load is pretty heavy. no more drinking every nite. oh well, i am still working less than in the US. hopefully i am making a difference with some of these students. many seem really responsive to learning english. i have classes of about thirty students and office hours of about ten students. the classes last and hour and 45 minutes, with a ten minute break in between. sometimes i let them out early. i am trying to make the class fun for everyone. one good thing is all my classes are on the same floor, in the same building, and the same lesson plan. they are all the same, just different students. i always get a huge HELLO! when i walk in. i know it will be tough come the end of the semester. twelve weeks left. after that though, i get to travel all around china, and get paid. i cannot fucking wait. here is a photo of a couple of my students.

what the fuck! was that an earthquake? oh, it was just north korea testing their nukes.